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Landscapes in Guilin in Guilin China

This city is located in the province of Guangxi Zhuang independent, southwest China. Characterized by a subtropical climate, and the rainy weather, but comfortable and acceptable at the same time. Water temperature to be equal throughout the year and be less than 19 degrees Selezius. This area is characterized by good environmental system. According [Hat geology, since about 300 million years ago, the city had Guiling covered with sea great and with the movement of the earth's crust has been present rocks in the ground, which led to the damage in the Earth's crust due to strong winds and rain and other factors which led to the emergence layer of limestone on the ground, which is that we see today in this city. Perhaps because of the morphology of land for this city with the presence of Lijiang River, which is the shape of this magnificent landscape that we see in the city of Gulin.

This famous city in the world by green mountains, clear water, caves and beautiful stones. This historic city has 2110 years of culture and great history. There is in this city of more than 28 hotels 0.18 and an international travel agency, and thousands of workers Alsaahin all languages​​. Recent years have seen a remarkable development in the tourism environment in the city.

Mount Changbai in China

Changbai Mountain is located in the north-eastern province of Jilin in China's border with North Korea. In 1980, this famous mountain forests rainy and endangered animals so they are now a nature reserve by the United Nations. This mountain is the first mountain in the north-east part of China. Live near this mountain, the general public in the north-east, which is the original home of the race and Mancu dynasty of the Qing emperor, known as the Holy Land. Cons Koreans to Mount Changbai Mountain is also sacred.

Summit basic Mount is a extinct volcano. In the part of the year, covering the summit snow and there are many white rocks. According to the history of the volcano has erupted three times in the sixteenth century. Nature landscape which is characterized by the very beauty of the mountain. This can be accessed easily through the mountain and public transport. The trip start from "Beijing", "Shanghai", "Shenyang" by flights, to easily reach the city of Yanji city and is very close to the mountain, and the ones you can go directly to Mount Changbai via public transportation.

Tianchi Lake

And called the lake heavenly a crater lake located on the border between China and South Korea, which is part of a series of mountains Bacdodajan and Changbai Mountains and part of which is located in Jilin Province in northeastern China with an area of ​​9.82 square kilometers and rising lake from the surface of the sea 5445 meters was formed lake remnants of glaciers formed Quartet in the period has officially started to receive visitors in the August 6, 2008 AD

These are called the lake a pearl mountain heavenly beauty is derived from the blue color with the blue of the sky and the beauty of the cliffs surrounding the green pastures and wild flowers, which owns its own charm In the summer and spring looks lake beautiful disbanded the winter back lake covered by ice and in all cases look fantastic

These consist of several lakes, the lake and the largest lake of Central where they were used settings like bathing Xi Wang Mu, a leader of the tribe maternal understanding of the other two lakes basins are used to wash the feet

You can take a cruise ship (which ships operate on natural gas) and go on a tour of the lake which takes 20 minutes and enjoyed seeing the landscape on the banks of the lake Almujdh
After the end of your tour you can sit in colorful tents located on the banks of the lake to drink some drinks and eat delicious kebabs and watch some exciting offers

Shanghai History Museum

It is the largest waterfall located on the Yellow River in China is the second largest waterfall in China and the Yellow River is the mother river of the Chinese nation, but these waterfalls Hoku is pearl shiny in the middle reaches of the Yellow River and is located in the territory of Yichuan in Yan'an City, Shaanxi Province

Shanghai History Museum

The Museum of Shanghai's historic district pudding near the Huangpu River at the base of Tower Pearl famous was established in 1983 on behalf of the Shanghai Exhibition of history and cultural relics exhibition opened old agricultural exhibition to Shanghai and then was moved to its new location at the base of pearl tower and exhibition contains five sections and includes exhibition 30,000 pieces of which about 18,000 relics of the city including the chair of the bride ornate and cannon bronze due to Gen. Chen Huacheng and other weapons, different and a pair of black bronze and stone foundation of the provincial French inscription signs of settlement of the border and many of the sculptures and pottery of ancient Chinese in addition to offers cultural and educational provided by the exhibition and exhibition Located in pearl tower is a tourist attraction and includes a history going back to a hundred years since the opening of the port in 1843 and even communism in 1949 and put a lot of ideas to move the museum in place independently but have not been implemented for the high cost will not be enough one day to see the contents of the location of exhibits distinct traces historical.

Leno Beach of the most beautiful beaches of Shanghai

Heat and beach trips trotted kids and adults is the most beautiful areas that you can spend time with distinctive complex Dino water in Shanghai, which is one of the most famous tourist sites recreational Balmedinhotany word Dino tropical storm

And featuring a distinguished group of swimming pools and aqua park on the latest model and has the largest pool in the world beach and sand and waves of industrial and near the swimming pools of different heights and forms a distinctive attract her many lovers fun where you can slide from rising high in the course of the spiral to the swimming pool, aquarium dedicated children design engineering privileged where it enjoys the highest degree of safety and suitable for all ages and you can enjoy Ballho in the Games and water skiing in the waterfalls and enjoy the spray of water amid shouts of fun and play with the kids in the river water in the Pacific waters flowing in spiral and enjoyed by adults and children.

Composite water features uniquely shaped and green trees that surround the UUC basins swimming and places to sit and relax and enjoy the place all the ways entertainment and comfort where there is inside the water park are several restaurants that offer cuisine and fast food shops and places to provide drinks will not feel the time who spends in the city of Aquatics.

Landmarks in Macau

Aalrgm from the fact that the island of Macau is the capital of shopping in China, but also an important tourist destination of the country, there are many tourist attractions in the island, which is worth a visit here we show you the most important tourist attractions in Macau If you are planning a trip to this wonderful island.

Ruins of St. Paul "Ruins of St Paul":
One of the most tourist attractions in Macau, built in the seventeenth century, and attempts to destroy them were in the middle of the eighteenth century, but it has remained until today to be an important element of tourist attractions.

Bridge Luoyang archaeologist in China

Characterized China set of stone bridges with a long history, which was Tstkhm to cross from the West to the other side through the rivers and lakes, which are decorated with columns and sculptures distinctive and one of these bridges is a bridge Luoyang bridge is located on the River Luoyang, one of the archeological sites and it was called in the previous Cai Xiang and Hoasm charge for the construction of the bridge in the Song Dynasty.

Took to build the bridge for seven years, where has been made in construction in the fourth year of the rule of Hong Leong in 1053 to the fourth year of the reign of Gyaong 1059 The cost of the bridge 14 million Yang of silver and the total length of the bridge 731 meters and Stone Bridge has architecture unique Bamdth underlying decorated bridge lined with statues of knights, which is given to the bridge scene is distinctive and attracts the bridge to him tourists from all over the place, where is considered one of the attractions excellence, which is located in the city of Guangzhou, near tourist attractions out and tourist sites, which is located near the bridge Temple Kiwan archaeological and village Zing Zong old, which featuring famed for its ancient stone with different colors and the narrow alleys and tourists come to the bridge for photo ops between historic sites

Nature Park: Phoenix hill "in Beijing

Covering an area of ​​approximately 15.33 square kilometers, which is characterized by its beautiful scenic spot, which is located inside the hill Hill Farm Bank, in the Haidian District, 30 kilometers from the center of the capital, Tokyo.
Landscapes and historical monuments combine to form this wonderful garden, with green hills and limpid water, clean air and mild weather is nice, and is defined as the lung crowded city of Beijing, along with Little Huangshan Mountain in the west.

The northern route of the hill consists of a set of major tourist attractions and the most important of these milestones on the road north sea cliff slope Visage Physiognomy of Sea Cliff, and Tower Feilai Stone Cave Xiuxian Yijing and Pool and Pool Golden Dragon and other parameters on this road.
On the way migraine can be seen Phoenix Hill, a large stone inscription, as well as a series of caves and historical remains.
The southern route is a natural way, with many of the scenic, as well as the village Cheerying famous ancient traditions.

Lama Temple in Beijing

Of the most important monasteries of Tibetan Buddhism in the world is a temple priest Lama, who is known as the Peace Palace and the temple is located in the northeastern part of Beijing, the temple features Bmuammarh unique, which combines the architecture of the Han Chinese and Tibetan motifs Mongolian where is considered a masterpiece attracts tourists from around the Alamuerdja history of the temple for the year 1694 during the reign of the Qing Dynasty and the building was the official residence of the court in the era of Prince Yongqing in 1722 a turning half of the building to the monastery for monks of Tibetan Buddhism remained the other half followed the Imperial Palace, and after the death of Yongqing in 1735 put his coffin in the temple and the rule of Qianlong, who gave to the Temple a special place and the addition of tiles turquoise characteristic of the temple at the end of 1744 became the monastery's residence Tibetan monks Buddhists from Mongolia and Tibet and became the temple main center for either the total length of front axle from north to south, 480 meters and is located in the tip of the southern main gate and there is the temple of five main halls separated by yards a Hall of Kings heavenly, a main entrance to the monastery adorned with a statue of Buddha and on the walls, statues of the kings of the sky four Hall of harmony and peace in whose Mamrha censer bronze decorated with paintings dragon and inside three statues of bronze and on both sides of the hall 18 statue of priests who have contributed to the spread of Buddhism.

The hall protect eternal put the coffin Yongqing and Hall Alvanon allocated for reading and religious ceremonies and by five statues of gold, silver, copper, tin and iron and hall recent INCLUDE statue from a single piece of sandalwood with a height of 18 meters and the statue entered the Guinness Book of Records in 1993 and Prime Minister Chuan Lai a significant role in maintaining the temple and the temple was opened to the public in 1981 to see the unique effects in it.

Jemaa El Fna Square in marrakesh El Fna Square is the space popular for Gap and entertainment for locals and tourists in the city of Marrakech, Morocco, and therefore considers this arena the heart of the city of Marrakech where she was and is still a meeting point between the city and the trachea officinalis and navigator, and a place of pilgrimage for visitors from all over the world to enjoy watching Offers interesting to Marwda Snakes the narrators of riddles and stories, and musicians to other manifestations of watching popular abbreviating a rich heritage and unique it was behind the inclusion of this scene in the list of intangible heritage humanitarian declared by UNESCO in 2001
Join the arena

El Fna Square date back to the era of the establishment of the city of Marrakech years (1070-1071) m, built Square "Fna" in the era of the Almoravid during the fifth century Islamic nucleus for shopping, but its importance grew after the construction of the Koutoubia Mosque after nearly a full century. And took advantage of kings and sultans at the time Kvina large arena to review their armies and stand on their forces ahead of starting preparations for battles unite cities and neighboring countries and wars Alastqlal.omund that date which is the symbol of the city, proud of vitality and attractiveness of each of them over the travelers.

ملف:Jamaa el-Fnaa (7346233518).jpgEtymology

Some attributed the naming of the place because of its proximity Mosque Fna Square Almurbati stone mansion, which was discovered under the ruins of the Koutoubia Mosque. The word "Fna" can also be useful in the sense of mass annihilation and destruction, and confirm this proposal, a group of historic gathering all the certificates on the existence of an abandoned mosque amid this scene that has become world-renowned.

El Fna Square is the heart of Marrakech, where they found the city center of pilgrimage for residents and visitors to use them and a place for meetings. And where there are the narrators of folk tales, and acrobats, musicians, dancers, models, and animals and Oachmat henna.
ملف:Plaza 1.jpg

Eiffel Tower


Paris icon and icon of France, the Eiffel Tower, great "Iron Lady", overlooks 324 meters of the City of Light. Vertiginous emblem of the Industrial Revolution in the heart of Paris, nail the Universal Exhibition of 1889, the Eiffel Tower and rejuvenates ever forget his age. Adorned with gold from the dark (since 1985), it sparkles five minutes before each hour from the transition to the year 2000 Again, a temporary installation made ​​permanent. With its delicate silhouette, graceful and breathtaking, the Eiffel Tower was to be short-lived when it was built by Gustave Eiffel in 1889.
Popular with visitors for 120 years ...

His fate was quite different: it has never been destroyed, saved by his huge success with the public at the Universal Exhibitions of 1889 and 1900, and by scientific experiments that Eiffel favored. After a career devoted solely for radio (first X-ray transmissions in 1898 or the first public radio in 1925) and telecommunications (up DTT), she sees an influx of tourists from the fifties up to become the second largest tourist attraction in France after the gardens of the Château de Versailles.

Since its visitor numbers are steadily rising. Today, of the 7 million annual visitors, 75% are of foreign origin and see the Eiffel Tower as a prerequisite of their stay. It must be said that "the Iron Lady" features prominently in any report about Paris. It is an inspiring setting for numerous films, especially since The End of the World Abel Gance, Big Style in 1930, it has everything to embody Paris, France, and Parisian fantasy.
An outsized full of restaurants and attractions monument

The construction of Gustave Eiffel required. Haute 303 m (without antennas), it weighs more than 10,000 tons and is made ​​up of 18,000 metal pieces together by 2.5 million rivets. It was painted about twenty times, and has even lightened 1340 tonnes superfluous at a major renovation campaign in 1985.
120 years of kick-off and final bouquets

With the Champ-de-Mars, beautiful Parisian park which spreads at his feet, and on the other side of the Seine the Trocadero esplanade with views apotheosis in the Tower, the Eiffel Dame has long the scene of dramatic lighting and milestones: fireworks July 14 fire, fireworks 2000, blue Tower for the French Presidency of the EU or multicolored for 120 years, facilities (ice rink a garden ...).

More than a monument, it has become the "soul" of the City of Light in the firmament of the Seine and the Ciel de Paris. "Useless and irreplaceable Building, familiar world and heroic symbol, witness to a century and always new monument, inimitable and endlessly reproduced object ..." said Roland Barthes (The Eiffel Tower, Delpirre editor, 1964).
A climb above the skies of Paris

To achieve the first two floors, you have to take the elevator or climb the stairs - 704 steps to the second floor. The climb offers an unusual visit to the heart of the steel structure of the Tower, with unique views of the capital.

The second floor can admire all Paris monuments, Notre Dame Cathedral, the Louvre and its Pyramid, the Arc de Triomphe and even the distance, the Palace of Versailles. Each floor offers visitors a wide range of visual, cultural or taste breaks: path "Epic Eiffel tower" and Cineiffel the first to discover unusual images of the Tower, gourmet restaurant Le Jules Verne in the second, reconstruction of the office of Gustave Eiffel and champagne bar dizzying summit ...

In the evening, since the available tower up to 23 hours, the City of Light is revealed, providing a spectacle in bright and colorful lights on starry night background 