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The mysterious mountain in An Giang

Những ngọn núi huyền bí ở An Giang
Thien Cam Son or Cam Mountain is the highest mountain (710m), the biggest lie in the range Son of An Hao Commune, Tinh Bien district, An Giang province. There are two theories about the name of the mountain was handed down: Before Prohibition very rugged mountains, many predators, so banning people around her and the children themselves violate that area. Another legend associated with the old Tay Son, Nguyen Anh was chased up a mountain to run away. For safety, the king commanded not to anyone on the mountain. From this mountain called Forbidden Mountain. Prohibition stunning mountain views and romantic dragon springs flow year round gentle, vast plateau Forbidden, The Mystery of Water Resources Integrity, Transparency Vo majestic statue (big rock shaped white elephant), Buddhist temples large, ancient temples Van Linh. Sam Mountain Mountains in An Giang mysterious temple on Mount Xian Sam. Sam Mountain, Vinh Te Commune, Chau Doc Town, An Giang Province. The name comes from the mountains seen from a distance, the mountain look like a black stick figure on greenfield Sam immense. In addition, there is an ancient legend that this place used to be a mid-ocean islands. Covered with sam so-called "School leaders Son" - the Sam Mountain. Sam Mountain has an area of about 280ha, with just 241m altitude. Way up the mountain slope and moderate shade of green. Visitors can walk or hire a motorbike driver to the summit. From atop the mountain overlooking the town sam Chau Doc out with beautiful houses along the canal up fresh and romantic. Besides the beauty of the mountains located between the plains, mountains Sam was "marked" with structures such as Xian Temple, Thoai Ngoc Hau Tomb, Cave Temple ... and many beautiful landscapes such as Baiyun Hill, Tao Garden Meets ... Especially Mieu Ba Chua Xu, the architecture is beautiful and dignified. Annually Via Ba Chua Xu Festival - Mountain Sam held on April lunar attract domestic and international visitors to the pilgrims. Tra Su indigo forest mystical mountains in An Giang Tra Su indigo forest was flooded forests typical of the Mekong River Delta commune, Van Church, Tinh Bien district, An Giang province. Time to visit this place the most beautiful falls in between September to Tet. At that time, the water level in the forest about 3-4m high population obscured the roads and covered with a green carpet of duckweed bran untouched. There are two ways to explore the mangrove forest is dong the road motorbike dykes or on floating rate housing. Each plan has its own beauty. But come between a floating forest, the rhythmic rowing stir "curtain dirt", the occasional hand the cork cotton dyed yellow water or hear amateur guides introduce the beauty, the wonder of this place more interesting. Coming here, tourists also enjoy the typical dishes such as fish parts water bake, steamed snakehead fish election, salt baked chicken chili forest, tamarind sauce dotted crab, lotus leaf forest snakehead fish grilled breaking tactic .. . Nui Coto - Tuc Dup mystical mountains in An Giang Co, also known as mountain bowl, the Phoenix range of Exterior paint and paint. There are many legends associated with the name of the mountain. The story goes that, when the sky was dark, his first since the Forbidden Mountain, Mountain Shoes have together helped each stacked stones, arranged until dawn, the mountain formed Coto. Because the husband is the rock on each other, forming the heart of the mountain caves, nooks and crannies (the locals call "table displays ovens") unknown. Another theory is not tied to the legend by mountain shaped like a bowl upside down, so-called mountain bowl. Tuc Dup Hill, a small mountain mountains west of Coto tied to the story of mischievous fairies. On a moonlit night, the supernatural fairy lower down the mountain Coto play. After the endless fun, the stoning her mast down from the mountains. When the fading moonlight, a small mountain is also visible in the dark. Small mountain that was named the "Hill country night", the Khmer called "News Capture", while the Vietnamese market a camp reading "Tuc Dup". Road to the beautiful mountains with hidden corners, the simple leaves, fragrant breeze tender rice. On the mountain there is a famous monument Tien yard. It marked the first leg, the Legend that follows the footprints of the Buddha, while the front legs are located in the Forbidden Mountain Thuy Liem. Then the power Nam, a small power house, old nestled under big rocks and the giant ball spiraling higher. Her most beautiful mountain bowl in the moonlit night. Then, as with silver moonlight on every blade of grass, water drops two Thum O streams, and lakes Compared Sora O Soai So creating a pristine picture and majestic. Nui Sap mystical mountains in Nui Sap An Giang Thoai Son district, An Giang province, Long Xuyen City and about 26km. But is a mountain not very high, but, but the mountain remained for his collapse features wild forest canopy cover large lakes around the foot of the mountain. Sap western slopes of the mountain have most scenic mountain lake Thoai Son is the number 1, 2 pools, lakes Mr. Voice. Three lakes were created a few years ago when people come here quarrying. Along the slopes, visitors have the opportunity to walk sightseeing temples scattered, or poetic sense definition of the mountain in the bat cave by a large rock Gross.Những ngọn núi huyền bí ở An Giang

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