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Mount Changbai in China

Changbai Mountain is located in the north-eastern province of Jilin in China's border with North Korea. In 1980, this famous mountain forests rainy and endangered animals so they are now a nature reserve by the United Nations. This mountain is the first mountain in the north-east part of China. Live near this mountain, the general public in the north-east, which is the original home of the race and Mancu dynasty of the Qing emperor, known as the Holy Land. Cons Koreans to Mount Changbai Mountain is also sacred.

Summit basic Mount is a extinct volcano. In the part of the year, covering the summit snow and there are many white rocks. According to the history of the volcano has erupted three times in the sixteenth century. Nature landscape which is characterized by the very beauty of the mountain. This can be accessed easily through the mountain and public transport. The trip start from "Beijing", "Shanghai", "Shenyang" by flights, to easily reach the city of Yanji city and is very close to the mountain, and the ones you can go directly to Mount Changbai via public transportation.

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