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Fjällturismen står sig

I feel very proud that our mountain resorts have to offer, ranging from modern facilities with meeting rooms, restaurants and ski lifts to the major land areas of unspoiled nature, also known as Europe's last wilderness. The mountains are a resource that can only be used where it is. It is also an important resource from a tourism perspective that stands up well in an international context.

Today, it is good for the Swedish travel and tourism industry. Despite the decline of industry in the fall can be explained by the unrest in our world, we see a positive trend in the number of visitors and overnight stays. To support one of the industries that now grows most rapidly, the government has proposed a number of initiatives.

In the bill of growth and vitality in the country that I presented earlier in the fall are a number of proposals to improve local and regional conditions for the tourism industry. Swedish Travel & Tourism, Tourist Authority, Tourism Research Etour and relevant industry associations have been assigned to for three years a project which aims to develop, refine and promote the brand mountains. The project will also lead to a skills and development of ideas for us to become better at export and develop our products.

Another proposal that benefits the tourism industry is the reduction of social security contributions in Norrland. Through its focus on smaller companies, this helps to improve conditions for small businesses and cooperatives to take advantage of local ideas, especially in the tourism sector.

Overall, we are now 60.5 million dollars to develop and market throughout Sweden as a tourist destination. There is a strong investment in tourism promotion which shows that the government is taking tourism seriously. But they can transform these resources to create jobs, and thus growth, are all companies, entrepreneurs and local politicians who acts locally. It is their ideas and commitment that is the very condition for there to be ideas to develop.

Politics is about changing. It is about taking responsibility for development in the whole of Sweden.

As a social democrat, I am proud of the projects currently approved by parliament. The proposals give people at local and regional level, the opportunity and the duty to take responsibility for development in their region, and in their local environment. For me, politics is about giving people both the power and ability to impact their future and realize their dreams.

Within the tourism industry, many small businesses are run and developed thanks to enthusiasts and entrepreneurs. It is extremely positive and gives us not only the opportunity to attract more tourists from other countries, and new jobs. It also creates conditions for regional growth. If it becomes a white winter, I am convinced that more than I will take the opportunity to enjoy the uniqueness that our mountains have to offer.

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