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Every year the number of tourists in Crimea mountain areas and neighboring countries, the Caucasus ... Often poor training leads participants stay in the mountains to various complications and Mountaineering requires special knowledge and skills.

The interest of the younger generation to extreme sports leads to self-search sites, they should be circles after-school educational institutions under the supervision of experienced teachers, one of them - mountaineering.

The main purpose is to provide knowledge and skills in organizing and conducting mountain hikes, participation in sports for mountaineering and forming a patriotic person.

During the class in a circle young tourists must acquire skills in mining machinery, orientation in the mountains, the organization and conduct of mountain hikes, providing first aid; need to know all the necessary methods and means of security and be able to apply them in practice.

Mountain tourism for many years in clubs school education developed using the two-year program based on the regulations of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine (Ukraine approved MES "estimated curricula tourism and local history associations pupils' C. 1996 and curricula MES approved by 24.09 .2003 № 645). The idea of enlarging the program "Mountaineering" at the programs of Ministry of Education of Ukraine, and many years of experience in mountaineering circles.

The basis of the studies included theoretical teaching material used and zakriplyayetsya during training, competition and campaigns. Training and competitions are held on the island selyah Khortytsya.

Powers campaigns conducted in the mountainous regions of the Crimea, and categorical areas neighboring countries in the Caucasus.

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