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Mountaineering / Climbing Triglav or up to the cloud

Legend says that Triglav was an old Slavic god with three heads, who represented in popular mythology - heaven, earth and hell. The national and the highest mountain of Slovenia as a whole mountains of the Julian Alps attracts us already for some time.
Triglav (2,864 m n. M.)

Languishing therefore plans to visit the Julian Alps sometime towards the end of June. By the time the snow melts and steep mountain valleys decorated with lots of colorful flowers. Most of the huts will still closed, and therefore we intend to rely on winter bivouacs. Bivouac in open terrain is prohibited, since most of the territory is part of the Triglav National Park.

One can always outputs and transitions in the mountains painting, but the last word has still weather. It is also somewhat the case. For the predictions, however, we intend to make the most, and therefore abstain for a few days in the Austrian Alps. Do Julek so we move on to the last three days of our trip.
On arrival here in Kranjska Gora welcomes abundant rain, and the first path leads to waterfalls Peričnik. Easily accessible pair of waterfalls located in a valley Vrata about 10 minutes from the cottage at Koca Peričniku. Water cascading from a rock falling threshold and padesátidvou meter free fall, so it boasts Spodnji slap Peričnik.
Spodnji slap slap Peričnik Zgornji Peričnik

However, it is worth mentioning i slap Zgornji Peričnik which, with its sixteen meters and Tunku inviting for a swim, has perhaps kouzelněji. Splashing water and rain cameras lenses give a pretty decent workout.

But back to our destination. This is Triglav. We cross to the village of Trent, lying in the same valley and we want to climb through the valley Zadnjica chat Koca on Dolice (Trzaska Koca) to the top. Under current conditions, probably the best option.
The Alpine Ibex Valley Zadnjica

The local information center can not confirm the forecast for the next day and parked on a forest park in front of the barrier in a valley Zadnjica (at the turn Pogačnikov dom). It seems that the weather calmed down for a while, so after packing essentials we go.

First Steps lead the broad road leading around the picturesque cottages until the end of the valley Zadnjica. From rags of mist emerge steep rock scenery, which indicate that the output will be pretty hard work. Around a thousand meters are moving stream and along a mountain path starting to cut into vertical meters.
Triglav (2,864 m n. M.) Koca on Dolice

At an altitude of about 1500 meters are disconnected from the trails winding through the saddle Luknja and we turn to the cottage on Dolice. Slope little gained strength and the second one switchback turns. A huge rock notch still encounter the curious ibex. Just below the cottage we lose the trail, which winds through God knows where, under a huge snow field, and so we headed directly to the saddle to the cottage.

Meanwhile, the rain started quite well. The snow is slushy but so soon we are at the cottage. Now comes the moment of surprise. Winter bivouac is not already there. Finally lying down on polythene in the aftermath of the bivouac, which now serves as a storage shed and all manner of junk. (Chat struck in 2009 and destroyed by an avalanche tongues as winter bivouac, and virtually the entire cottage. This, however, we learn later.)

At first it seems to Ore night, but ultimately manage the listing. Waking up to a bright morning adds to optimism, and so with the first rays of the sun we go to the top. A large part of the country is still under snow.
Juniper and Mangart the platform Triglavski Podi

To the sound of creaking crampons are slowly but surely approaching the target. The platform Triglavski the stage, you can not determine exactly which way footpath leads, so the snow plateau we head directly below Triglav škrbinu. Deploying and using helmets and steel clamps and ropes are found to škrbiny.

After a lackluster ledge brings us to the threshold of škrbiny. From the top is already completely covered with snow. With the help of crampons and ice ax, we choose the straight path upward. How is the road under the snow, difficult under the circumstances to judge. From the saddle škrbinou over the top, the way he passes well.
Triglav škrbina just below the summit of Triglav

Opens a landscape full of perspective, which somewhat spoils the retreating clouds. On top of that adorns the metal stavbičku behalf Aljažev Stolp 1895, we come before ten. The surrounding peaks are partially shrouded in clouds, only Triglav not resist.

After about an hour admiring, photographing and enjoying the empty top descends through the Small Triglav at Dom Planika chat. The ridge between Triglav and the Triglav Small is no snow, and so it goes like clockwork. The Little Triglav, the clouds closed and falling mist. But to us it does not matter.
Top View of Triglav from the top to the valley Vrata

We descend the southern wall of the trough Little Triglav. Some places are secured with steel cables and tacks. Just above the cottage enjoying downhill slush. Dom Planika comes to life after winter, locals and staff cottages are preparing for the summer season. They are the first people we meet. Swap a few words and then we give beer as a libation to the gods and head back to chat Koca on Dolice.

The road stretches marked by scant prospects and occasional snow fields alternating with rubble. Then we descend by the same route back to the valley Zadnjica. The weather at night and descend umoudřuje us more pleasant views, which the previous day was not much. In the evening we reach out to the car and descend back to the village of Trent in one of the local camps. I guess Trent (2 persons, car and tent 18 Euro). Tomorrow's the day to be marked by occasional showers, so we had no peak waiting.
Late afternoon in the valley Zadnjica

Just before even visiting waterfalls Virje and Boka, lying under Káninský plain. Boka is particularly spectacular in spring waterfall. With its 106 meters is one of the largest waterfalls in Slovenia. Also worth visiting the town of Bovec. Here we give a brief pauzičku and in one of the shops buy some local cheese and raw materials.

Then, with mountains we say goodbye for now and over the saddle Predel we cross into Italy, where in Tarvisio pans onto the highway and through Austria we headed home, under our "Jesenický hills".

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