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Mountain climbing - sport and recreation, where the main goal is mountain climbing. The essence of mountaineering is to overcome the obstacles created by nature (complexity of terrain, weather conditions, lack of oxygen at altitude) on the way to the top. Typically, the technical part of the route - from hundreds of meters to several kilometers, while for the entire route usually there is no fixed point of insurance. Climbing depending on the complexity and length of the route can last from several hours to several days, weeks and even months.

There Alpine and Himalayan climbing style. Alpine style - a consistent rise to the top with all the equipment. Himalayan style different pretreatment route climbing, provishuvannyam of safety ropes (railings), setting intermediate camps, delivery of equipment and oxygen in these camps, which includes multiple climbs and descents from camp to camp. Himalayan style - a kind of siege mountains, which sometimes takes 2-3 months, but this tactic is allowed to reach the summit of Everest and other vosmytysyachnykiv.

There are eleven categories of complexity History: 1B, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 4A, 4B, 5A, 5B, 6A, 6B.


In 1865, British climbers conquered the Matterhorn Alpine peaks, completing a technically difficult climb on the way. This event is the beginning of sport climbing - climbing a difficult route to sporting purposes. High Altitude Mountaineering launched in 1907 an Englishman Tom Lonґstaff who conquered the peak in the Himalayas Trisup height of 7000 m. In 1950, members of the French expedition M. Herzog and L. Lyashenal conquered the Himalayan peaks Anapurna, altitude 8078 m. Highest point on Earth, Mount Qomolangma (Everest, 8,848 m), was conquered in 1953 Sherpa Tenzing Norheyem and New Zealander Edmund Hippari, but then won the top British expedition led by John Hite.

The highest mountain of Ukraine has a height of 2061 m and no mountain is not technically difficult to climb to the top. That places for climbing in Ukraine. However, there are a variety of clubs where active and strong spirit of people coming together, studied theoretical issues are practical skills on the climbing gym in Ukrainian mountains and get ready for climbing the peaks of the Alps, the Caucasus, the Himalayas and other mountain systems of the world.

Mountaineering - kind of tourism that is foot movement of people on a certain route, laid in the mountains. Although mountain climbing tourism elements are used in the route, it should not be confused with mountaineering. The main difference is that the goal is a climber rise to the top of some complexity, and the purpose of mountain tourists - the route of a certain complexity that involves multiple passes and / or vertices. The complexity of the route is determined mainly by the complexity (figures Rating) passes, that it includes. Mountaineering routes lie at altitudes above 2500-3000 m above sea level, is one of the difficulties is also a manifestation of altitude sickness.

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